Super 450 Model Aerosol Crusher


The Super 450 is an aerosol can crusher that automatically opens, empties, crushes and ejects up to 450 cans per hour. This machine is able to process many different sizes of aerosol cans with a wide range of can contents. The Super 450 separates the liquid can contents from propellants, VOC’s and other gaseous components while removing and capturing 99% of those contents.


Super 450 & 800 Care and Use Manual

Crusher – SDS

Spec Sheet Super 450


Please click above link to watch video of the machine crushing aerosols. Please note that we are overriding safety features to have the door open to show how it crushes and ejects.

 Crusher Parts Optional Carbon Package available.

Door Shaft Assembly Pneumatic Ejector Assembly Pneumatic Door Assembly Motor & Pump Assembly Linkage Assembly Hydraulic Piercer Assembly Ejector Plate Assembly Ejector Air Cylinder Assembly Door Air Cylinder Assembly